The Son of A Certain Woman

son of a certain womanThis book bothered me greatly and I don’t believe I am a prude. Teenage sexuality doesn’t bother me. I would just rather spend my time reading something other than about a boy lusting after his mother, masturbating, coming in his pants at his baptism, and having an arrangement with his mother to sleep with her!
When Percy wasn’t involved in some kind of lustful fantasy, the catholic brotherhood were deviously scamming, lying and peeping in an attempt to eliminate (by treachery, threats and finally assimilation) an unmarried, unbaptized mother and son from their community.
This book was a total fail for me.
I really TRIED to like it. I did! I loved the fact that it was a story told about St. John’s Newfoundland. I wanted Penelope and Medina to be able to be together and be happy – outside of the shadow of Brother McHugh. I wanted Percy to find a friend in his community.
The characters were well developed and I LIKED them. The sexuality was so over the top it completely killed it for me – and by sexuality I mean the Oedipal masturbatory lusting of Percy for his mother.

I would only given this book one star.

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